What's Changed
- Addresses #734: AWS: load_tags in batches by @ramonpetgrave64 in #812
- Fixes #799: AWS: filter ebs snapshots to just the current account and used snapshots (#793) by @amlweems in #799
- 0.57.0rc2 by @ramonpetgrave64 in #813
- Fix failing integration test in AWS EC2 snapshots by @achantavy in #817
- Fix #809: handle GCP firewall None fields by @marco-lancini in #818
- Addresses #771: AWS: Add indexes for EC2Keypair and ECRImage by @ramonpetgrave64 in #816
- 0.57.0rc3 by @ramonpetgrave64 in #823
- Fix 808: Error while ingesting elastic_ip_addresses by @marco-lancini in #824
- #815: Reduce non-fatal github log from error to warning by @achantavy in #827
- Fix #821: Error while ingesting snapshots by @marco-lancini in #822
- Fix ECS DescribeServices max service limit by @Rickerd0613 in #828
- 0.57.0rc4 by @ramonpetgrave64 in #830
- Fixes snapshot fetching InvalidParameterValue bug by @Rickerd0613 in #832
New Contributors
- @amlweems made their first contribution in #799
- @Rickerd0613 made their first contribution in #828
Full Changelog: 0.56.0...0.57.0