github carla-simulator/carla 0.9.12
CARLA 0.9.12

latest releases: ue5devStable0.1,, 0.9.15...
2 years ago

Release 0.9.12


  • Upgrading to Unreal Engine 4.26
  • CARLA now is built with Visual Studio 2019 in Windows
  • Added Optical Flow camera
  • Changed the resolution of the cached map in Traffic Manager from 0.1 to 5 meters
  • Added generation attribute to vehicles and pedestrians
  • Added Lincoln 2020 vehicle dimensions for CarSim integration
  • Enabling the no_delay option to RPC and stream sockets
  • CARLA is compatible with the last RoadRunner nomenclature for road assets
  • The special nomenclature to define roads (ROAD_ROAD), sidewalks (ROAD_SIDEWALK)... can be at any position of the asset name
  • Improved performance benchmark script: sync, map and sensor selection, ...
  • Improved performance, destroyed PhysX state for vehicles when physics are disabled
  • Improved parallelism of raycast sensors in system with large number of cores
  • Improved manual_control: now cameras position are set in relation with car size
  • Added 'visualize_multiple_sensors' example
  • Added 'check_lidar_bb' util script
  • Added optional flag to client.replay_file() replay_sensors to enable or disable the replaying the sensors
  • Client required files are sent from the server to a local cache (OpenDRIVE, Traffic Manager...)
  • Extended make import process for applying road painter materials (carla art tool)
  • Added creation of custom JSON file for applying decals to imported roads
  • Added CHRONO library for vehicle dynamics simulation (
    • Supported JSON vehicle definition
    • Unsupported collision dynamics
  • Added Large Map feature to CARLA, alowing to import large maps divided in square tiles (at most 2kmx2km per tile). Only section of a Large Map can be loaded at a time which introduces a sleep state for actors that are far away from the hero vehicle
  • Added performance benchmarking section to documentation
  • Added ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl to commands
  • Added flush in the sublevel loading to increase carla's determinism in Opt maps
  • Fixed import sumo_integration module from other scripts
  • Fixed bug causing the RoadOptions at the BehaviorAgent to not work as intended
  • Fixed a bug when importing a FBX map with some _ in the FBX name
  • Fix bug in carla.Transform.get_up_vector()
  • Fix bug in lidar channel point count
  • Fix imu: some weird cases were given nan values
  • Fix bugs in apply_physics_control and friction trigger
  • Exposed tire parameters for longitudinal and lateral stiffness in the PhysicsControl.
  • When setting a global plan at the LocalPlanner, it is now optional to stop the automatic fill of the waypoint buffer
  • Improved agent's vehicle detection to also take into account the actor bounding boxes
  • API extensions:
    • Added functions to traffic light actor get_effect_waypoints(), get_light_boxes() and get_opendrive_id()
    • Added functions to world get_traffic_lights_from_waypoint(), get_traffic_lights_in_junction and get_traffic_light_from_opendrive_id
    • Added parameters to WorldSettings: tile_stream_distance and actor_active_distance
    • Added parameters and functions to Osm2OdrSettings: proj_string, center_map, generate_traffic_lights, all_junctions_with_traffic_lights, set_osm_way_types, and set_traffic_light_excluded_way_types
    • Added function to enable car telemetry
    • Added set_wheel_steer_direction() function to change the bone angle of each wheel of a vehicle
    • Added get_wheel_steer_angle() function to get the steer angle of a vehicle wheel
    • Added scattering_intensity , mie_scattering_scale , rayleigh_scattering_scale to PythonAPI for changing weather attributes
    • Improved the python agents API. Old behaviors have been improved and new ones have also been added, improving the functionalities of the agents. Several bugs have also been fixed

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