github cargo-bins/cargo-binstall v0.15.1

latest releases: v1.3.1, binstalk-v0.16.1, binstalk-registry-v0.1.1...
20 months ago

Binstall is a tool to fetch and install Rust-based executables as binaries. It aims to be a drop-in replacement for cargo install in most cases. Install it today with cargo install cargo-binstall, from the binaries below, or if you already have it, upgrade with cargo binstall cargo-binstall.

Substitutes v0.15.0 due to CI failure.

In this release:

  • Disable tcp_nodelay and add rate limiting for HTTP requests. This makes installation more reliable, especially when installing many crates at once. (#457, #458)
  • Allow --pkg-fmt, --bin-dir, --pkg-url overrides when installing multiple crates. (#444, #454)
  • Use CARGO env variable if present. Cargo sets this for subcommands: it is useful when the cargo binary in use may not be in a standard location or in PATH. (#452, #453)
  • Don't try to fetch a package if the crate provides no binaries. This fixes a regression which appeared in 0.14.0. (#446)

Other changes:

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