github cardano-foundation/cardano-wallet v2020-10-13
Configurable SMASH

latest releases: test, nightly, v2025-03-04...
4 years ago

Compatible with jormungandr@v0.9.0 and cardano-node@1.21.1.

New Features

  • Added the ability for users to select their own SMASH servers for stakepool listings #2214
  • Added transaction expiry slots for pending transactions #1879


  • Extended isOurs to return the derivation path of an address #2219
  • Added a 100-wallet scenario to the latency benchmark #2223
  • Added an executable shelley-test-cluster which starts an integration test cluster that includes faucets #2178

Resolved Issues

  • Made pool garbage collection handle an unknown current epoch #2203

Known Issues

  • Incorrect mainnet network parameters returned from API #2226
  • Estimating fees on empty Shelley wallet takes 5-6 s #2170
  • Jormungandr doesn't complain about invalid block0.bin #2187
  • cardano-wallet-jormungandr --metadata option is redundant #2169
  • No rewards from staking for wallets on Jörmungandr node #2140
  • nix-build -A cardano-wallet fails on macOS Big Sur #2070
  • Cannot send funds from Byron random address created via cardano-address #2058
  • Balance temporarily increases when spending rewards #1955
  • Required wallet DB fields do not get persistently added #1743
  • cardano-wallet address CLI has import and create commands which are not supported for Shelley wallets #1733


Cardano (cardano-node) ITN (Jörmungandr)
API Documentation API Documentation
CLI Manual CLI Manual
Docker Manual Docker Manual

Installation Instructions

Cardano (cardano-node)

  1. Install cardano-node@1.21.1.

  2. Download the provided cardano-wallet for your platform, and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. Or %PATH% on Windows.

  3. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.


Pull from DockerHub and verify the version matches 2020.10.13.

$ docker pull inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.10.13-shelley
$ docker run --rm inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.10.13-shelley version

ITN (jormungandr)

  1. Install jormungandr@v0.9.0.

  2. Download the provided cardano-wallet-jormungandr for your platform, and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. Or %PATH% on Windows.

  3. (optional) Install the bash/zsh auto-completion script according to the jormungandr cli manual

  4. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.


Pull from DockerHub and verify the version matches 2020.10.13

$ docker pull inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.10.13-jormungandr
$ docker run --rm inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.10.13-jormungandr version


Name Role Approval
Matthias Benkort @KtorZ Technical Team Lead ✔️
Piotr Stachyra @piotr-iohk QA Engineer ✔️
Tatyana Valkevych @tatyanavych Release Manager ✔️

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