github cardano-foundation/cardano-wallet v2020-05-06
Local State Query Protocol

latest releases: test, nightly, v2025-03-04...
4 years ago

Compatible with jormungandr@v0.8.18 and cardano-node@1.11.0.

New Features

  • The cardano-wallet keys command-line interface supports hexadecimal and bech32 encodings.
  • (Byron) Transaction protocol parameters are updated from the chain.


  • For the cardano-wallet keys commands, key material is now provided on stdin.
  • Initial work to retrieve stake pool metadata on Shelley.

Removed features

  • ⚠️ breaking-change ⚠️ The force resync feature has been removed.

Resolved Issues

  • #1621 Fixed database migration tests failing
  • #1609 Fixed broken doc link for listByronAddresses.
  • #1608 Fixed Database migration script failing on nightly build.
  • #1534 Fixed force resync = Something went wrong on Windows.

Known Issues

  • #1552 Migration issue on Jormungandr (v2020-03-16 → v2020-04-01 | 07).
  • #1571 Byron initCursor does not seem to cause DB to rollback.


(ADP-158) Shelley address format and using cardano-addresses
PR Description
#1616 Remove rest mnemonic bits
#1605 Use mnemonics from cardano addresses
(ADP-190, ADP-195) Public key derivation and bech32 support for CLI key utilities
PR Description
#1622 Only support keys as stdin and move tests
#1619 Better bech32 error messages
#1599 Support Bech32 keys in CLI (and rework the implementation to be less fancy)
(ADP-258) Rework metadata aggregation to work with the new aggregation server API
PR Description
#1623 Mock metadata aggregation server
#1614 Metadata aggregation client & mock server
#1598 Relocate Jörmungandr-specific metadata & pools code inside cardano-wallet-jormungandr
(ADP-83) Local State Query
PR Description
#1624 Fix migration error on checkpoint table
#1618 Unit test for LocalStateQuery
#1606 Don't deserialise blocks in the chain sync node client
#1580 Add LocalStateQuery to byron network layer
Miscellaneous build/test fixes
PR Description
#1627 Bump version from 2020.4.28 to 2020.5.6
#1620 Latency benchmarks second look
#1613 Remove force resync feature
#1612 Fix caching in first scenarion latency benchmarking
#1611 Fix listByronAddresses swagger operation id
#1610 Buildkite all-tests-pass branch
#1604 nix: remove socket files from source trees before building

Weekly Reports


Link Audience
API Documentation Users of the Cardano Wallet API
CLI Manual: ITN / Byron Users of the Cardano Wallet API
Docker Manual Users of the Cardano Wallet API
Haddock Documentation Haskell Developers using the cardano-wallet as a library

Installation Instructions

Jormungandr / ITN

  1. Install jormungandr@v0.8.18.

  2. Download the provided cardano-wallet-jormungandr for your platform, and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. Or %PATH% on Windows.

  3. (optional) Install the bash/zsh auto-completion script according to the jormungandr cli manual

  4. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.


Pull from DockerHub and verify version is matching 2020.5.6

$ docker pull inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.5.6-jormungandr
$ docker run --rm inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.5.6-jormungandr version

cardano-node / Byron

  1. Install cardano-node@1.11.0.

  2. Download the provided cardano-wallet-byron for your platform, and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. Or %PATH% on Windows.

  3. (optional) Install the bash/zsh auto-completion script according to the byron cli manual

  4. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.


Pull from DockerHub and verify version is matching 2020.5.6

$ docker pull inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.5.6-byron
$ docker run --rm inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.5.6-byron version

Additional notes

  • On macOS: Make sure all *.dylib files are in the same directory as cardano-wallet binary.


cardano-wallet: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

libcrypto 1.0.0 is no longer shipped with RHEL for a while (since ver. 6) and
SuSE. On these distributions, it is impossible to install it using native
package manager (e.g. yum).

One possible work-around is to create an artificial symbolic link from a newer version of libcrypto:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

Alternatively, one may also try using the docker image instead.


Name Role Approval
Matthias Benkort @KtorZ Technical Team Lead ✔️
Piotr Stachyra @piotr-iohk QA Engineer ✔️
Tatyana Valkevych @tatyanavych Release Manager ✔️

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