github cardano-foundation/cardano-wallet v2020-04-01
Byron Reboot

latest releases: test, nightly, v2025-03-04...
4 years ago

This release brings many features required for the Byron reboot and improvements to the command line interface.

Compatible with jormungandr@v0.8.15 and cardano-node@1.9.3.

New Features


  • Byron wallet restoration now also accepts legacy-style extended private key and password hash (such that old Daedalus wallets can be migrated).

Resolved Issues

  • Wallets disappear from list when their worker dies unexpectedly #1292

Known Issues

  • Icarus wallets are created with Mainnet addresses even if the server is in 'Testnet' mode #1535
  • Force resync = Something went wrong for Jormungandr #1534
  • Cannot force resync wallet and cardano-node crash as a result #1505
  • Submit transaction on staging_shelley gives 500 #1492
  • cardano-node: Cannot send transaction on testnet (cardano-node + cardano-wallet-byron) #1462
  • Windows tests are failing on hydra #1283


(ADP-192) Restore from public account key in CLI
PR Description
#1440 more HWWallets CLI tests
(ADP-210) Restore byron wallets from xpriv+passwd hash
PR Description
#1497 Integration test updating wallet name, that is restored from Xprv
#1476 Byron wallet restoration from xprv endpoint integration test
#1456 Distinguish (internally) between legacy and new passphrase encryptions
#1454 Byron wallet restoration from xprv endpoint impl
#1450 Small update of byron restore summary
#1439 Byron wallet restoration from xprv endpoint preparation
(ADP-223, ADP-224) Byron wallet CRUD operations (update-name, update-spending password) and getting UTxO statistics
PR Description
#1520 Fix passphrase conversion when coming from legacy wallets
#1512 report empty legacy passphrase as no passphrase
#1511 Fix passphrase check when coming from empty legacy passphrase
#1495 Update password endpoint for byron
#1486 Update wallet name and utxo statistics for byron
(ADP-229) CLI support for Byron wallet
PR Description
#1493 API endpoints for byron addresses endpoints
#1478 Support for wallet & transactions commands in cardano-wallet-byron
(ADP-97) Nightly syncing tests with Byron TestNet/Mainnet
PR Description
#1507 Store bench node socket in tmp dir
#1499 Fix indentation in nightly.yml
#1498 Add Buildable instance for UTxO Statistics & print from bench
#1482 Re-add old wallet restoration benchmark
#1480 Add cardano-node to "stack --nix test" environment
#1459 Move cardano-node config/launch setup to separate library
PR Description
#1529 Bump from 2020.3.16 to 2020.4.1
#1528 update cardano-node matrix
#1524 nix: Update test-suite name to jormungandr-integration
#1523 Sync with libs used by cardano-node-1.9.3
#1518 bump cardano-node's libraries to 1.9.1
#1515 Update cardano-node matrix
#1513 nix: Fix build of cardano-wallet-jormungandr-tests-win64
#1510 bump ntp-client revision to 1.9.1
#1509 Fix fee calculation on Byron
#1508 skip jormungandr integration tests in CI, but enable cardano-node instead
#1506 Update byron launcher and fix integration tests
#1504 Allow serving API through TLS w/ client authentication
#1500 cardano-node: bump to 1.9.1
#1491 Add tracer showing raw binary transaction on submission
#1488 Shutdown handler rework
#1487 nix: add cardano-node configuration to the windows build products
#1485 Revise exception handling in the chain follower to be more resilient
#1484 disable Mux & Chain sync traces
#1481 Fix testnet discrimination and intersection always being genesis
#1475 make NETWORK_BYRON work on cardano-node and jormungandr
#1474 Mark wallet as "not_responding" when underlying workers die
#1473 Use less verbose QuickCheck helpers in tests
#1472 Staging / Temporary
#1451 Bump stack.yaml dependencies to support cardano-node 1.8
#1449 read protocol magic from genesis file instead of command-line option
#1447 Update cardano-node to latest master version
#1441 cardano-wallet server on any arbitrary testnet
#1425 Fix launcher unit tests on windows

Weekly Reports


Link Audience
API Documentation Users of the Cardano Wallet API
CLI Manual w/ jormungandr
CLI Manual w/ cardano-node
Users of the Cardano Wallet API
Docker Manual Users of the Cardano Wallet API
Haddock Documentation Haskell Developers using the cardano-wallet as a library

Installation Instructions

Jormungandr / ITN

  1. Install jormungandr@v0.8.15.

  2. Download the provided cardano-wallet-itn for your platform, and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. Or %PATH% on Windows.

  3. (optional) Install the bash/zsh auto-completion script according to the jormungandr cli manual

  4. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.

Cardano-node / Byron

  1. Install cardano-node@1.9.3.

  2. Download the provided cardano-wallet for your platform, and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. Or %PATH% on Windows.

  3. (optional) Install the bash/zsh auto-completion script according to the byron cli manual

  4. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.

Additional notes

  • On macOS: Make sure all *.dylib files are in the same directory as cardano-wallet binary.


cardano-wallet: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

libcrypto 1.0.0 is no longer shipped with RHEL for a while (since ver. 6) and
SuSE. On these distributions, it is impossible to install it using native
package manager (e.g. yum).

One possible work-around is to create an artificial symbolic link from a newer version of libcrypto:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

Alternatively, one may also try using the docker image instead.


  1. Pull from DockerHub.
$ docker pull inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.4.1-jormungandr
  1. Verify the image using the command-line.
$ docker run --rm inputoutput/cardano-wallet:2020.4.1-jormungandr version


Name Role Approval
Matthias Benkort @KtorZ Technical Team Lead ✔️
Piotr Stachyra @piotr-iohk QA Engineer ✔️
Tatyana Valkevych @tatyanavych Release Manager ✔️

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