github cardano-foundation/cardano-wallet v2019-12-16
Incentivized Testnet Initial Release

latest releases: test, nightly, v2025-03-04...
5 years ago


Compatible with Jörmungandr@v0.8.1

Artifact Platform Description
Linux 64-bit
Linux executable with auto-completion script for bash shell.
MacOs 64-bit
MacOS executable with required system libraries.
Windows 64-bit
Windows executable with required DLLs.

Main Features


  • Create and Delete wallet
  • Get details of a particular wallet
  • List all known wallets
  • Generate BIP-39 mnemonic sentence (English) of various sizes
  • Update wallet metadata
  • Create and submit transactions from a single wallet
  • List known (used or unused) addresses of a wallet
  • Estimate transaction fee
  • Visualize wallet's UTxO distribution
  • Update wallet encryption passphrase
  • List transaction history
  • Submit already signed transactions
  • Serve wallet against Jörmungandr
    • --sync-tolerance option for tweaking server tolerance regarding network syncing.
  • Launch wallet against Jörmungandr
    • --sync-tolerance option passed down to the server.
  • Get network information
  • List available stake-pools, ordered by apparent performance
  • Generate testnet reward credentials from a given mnemonic sentence
web server
  • Create and delete wallet
  • Get details of a particular wallet
  • List all known wallets
  • Update wallet metadata & wallet encryption passphrase
  • Create and submit transactions from a single wallet
  • List known (used or unused) addresses of a wallet
  • API and server logs
  • Estimate transaction fee
  • Visualize wallet's UTxO distribution
  • List transaction history
  • Submit already signed transactions
  • Get network information
  • Create Byron wallets
  • Delete Byron wallets
  • Get and List Byron wallets
  • Forget pending transaction of Shelley wallets
  • List transaction history of Byron wallets
  • Forget pending transaction of a Byron wallet
  • Migrate Byron wallets to Shelley wallets
  • List available stake-pools, ordered by apparent performance
  • Delegate all funds from a wallet to a stake-pool
  • Fetch total reward balance earned from delegation
  • Stop delegating funds from a wallet
  • Support stake pool off-chain metadata
  • Node.js-compatible IPC server with custom protocol
  • Data-persistence to disk via SQLite
  • Support for Ouroboros Genesis/Praos and proper chain following in the events of chain switches

Known Limitations

Bug Fixes

  • Fee estimation for payments doesn't take fee balancing after selection into account #1150
  • Wallet not deleted properly (corrupted seq.*.sqlite file -> StatementAlreadyFinalized "BEGIN" in the log) #1071
  • Wallet initialization using blockchain data fails with unique constraint failure and ErrPointAlreadyExists #1181
  • active_slot_coeff ignored in performance calculation. #1188

Known Issues

  • --logging-config FILE.YAML more info and tests #961
  • Failing tests integration tests on Windows #1115
  • Rollbacks issue in stake pool worker #1200
  • Misleading Mnemonic Sentence Error message #1153
  • Non-linear sync progress from not considering active_slot_coeff #1197
  • Possible missing db migration between balance-check version and latest one #1177
  • Missing database migration for active_slot_coeff #1251
  • Unhandled Data.Binary.Get error observed in node logs #1228
  • Zero balance reported on the wallet despite receiving funds from faucet #1146

Installation Instructions

Linux 64-bit

  1. Install jormungandr@0.8.1 from the official repository.

  2. Download cardano-wallet-jormungandr-linux64-v2019-12-16.tar.gz and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin.

$ curl -L | tar xz -C $HOME/.local/bin
  1. (optional) Install the bash/zsh auto-completion script:
$ mv $HOME/.local/bin/ > /etc/bash_completion.d/
$ source /etc/bash_completion.d/
  1. Start cardano-wallet --help and see available parameters.

Mac OS 64-bit

  1. Install jormungandr@0.8.1 from the official repository.

  2. Download cardano-wallet-jormungandr-macos64-v2019-12-16.tar.gz and uncompress it in a directory that is on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin.

Note: Make sure all *.dylib files are in the same directory as cardano-wallet binary.

Windows 64-bit

  1. Install jormungandr@0.8.1 from the official repository.

  2. Download and uncompress it in a directory that is on your %PATH%.


Link Audience
API Documentation Users of the Cardano Wallet API
Haddock Documentation Haskell Developers using the cardano-wallet as a library
CLI Manual Users of the Cardano Wallet API

Weekly Reports


PR Description
#1195 pick another input when dangling fees are too big
#1193 re-use 'deleteWallet' function to avoid logic duplication
#1192 make sure to close and destroy the database before removing files from disk
#1191 compute payment fee as the difference between inputs/outputs
#1189 Account for "active slot coefficient" in apparent performance calculation
#1183 Missing negative integration tests for coin selection endpoint
#1182 Enable storage of duplicate owners in registration certificates
#1179 Fix maximum number of outputs
#1178 Show newcomers when listing stake pools (with an average perf)


Name Role Approval
Matthias Benkort @KtorZ Technical Team Lead ✔️
Matthias Benkort @KtorZ QA Replacement ✔️
Tatyana Valkevych @tatyanavych Release Manager ✔️

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