github callowayproject/bump-my-version 0.33.0

latest release: 1.0.0
one day ago

Compare the full difference.


  • Fixed warnings in documentation. 782077d

  • Refactored PEP621 tests into a class. 2a4f12a

    The tests are pretty much the same but renamed for clarity.

  • Fixed: allow omitting the current version in sample-config. 6b369fe

    If the current version is explicitly left empty during the
    sample-config questionnaire, the resulting tool.bumpversion table
    now lacks a current_version key, and will fall back to PEP 621
    project.version (if not dynamic). The instruction text specifically
    hints at this new functionality.


  • Add test for moveable tags. df787f1

  • New feature: retrieve and update the PEP 621 project version, if possible. 3032450

    When determining the current version, and if
    tool.bumpversion.current_version is not set, attempt to retrieve the
    version from project.version à la PEP 621. If that setting is not
    set, or if the version is explicitly marked as dynamically set, then
    continue with querying SCM tags.

    When updating the configuration during bumping, if we previously
    successfully retrieved a PEP 621 version, then update the
    project.version field in pyproject.toml as well. We always update,
    even if the true current version was read from
    tool.bumpversion.current_version instead of project.version.

    The docs have been updated; specifically, the "multiple replacements in
    one file" howto and the reference for current_version.

    The tests have been adapted: the new pep621_info property would
    otherwise trip up the old test output, and the None default would trip
    up the TOML serializer. Additionally, new tests assert that
    project.version (and correspondingly, the pep621_info property) is
    correctly honored or ignored, depending on the other circumstances.



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