github cakephp/phinx 0.12.5

latest releases: 0.16.1, 0.16.0, 0.15.5...
3 years ago


  • Fix not being able to set limit on big integer for MySQL
  • Run preFlightCheck and postFlightCheck immediately after migration
  • Ensure a default of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3) is not quoted in MySQL
  • Fix PDO exception not being thrown when trying to add column to non-existent table in SQLite
  • Better handle specifying schema in configuration file and inline migrations for postgresql
    Since phinx did support this at one time and then it broke


  • Support setting order for indexes
  • Add ability to set generic PDO attributes
  • Support for include clause when adding an index
  • Support looking up foreign key by name in sqlite3
  • Support for tinyint and smallint in SQL Server
  • Automatically handle casting when changing column to bigint, smallint, int on postgresql

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