github builtbybel/xd-AntiSpy 4.11.31
xd-AntiSpy 4.11.31

latest releases: 4.13.0, 4.12.7, 4.12.6...
3 months ago

Just released a private project: xD-AntiSpy 😎! It's a fork of the original, picking up where the last version left off. ✨ #xpantispy #windows11 #windows #app #microsoft #privacy

— Belim (@builtbybel) June 26, 2024
  • The update assembly was inaccessible due to a change in the repository structure. This issue has been fixed
  • Improved system language detection for the app
  • Plugins (external DLL libraries such as Debloater, Butler, and the JSON functionality extensions) are now centrally located in the "Tools/Special" menu.

Additionally, more language files are now available (English | German | French | Spanish | Russian | Italian | Japanese | Portuguese). If you'd like to contribute, please feel free to do so at any time. For more information, click #12 (comment)


Two weeks ago, I rolled out a sleek, modern version of xd-AntiSpy alongside our classic UI. The online community Deskmodder kindly conducted a poll, and the modern UI narrowly won. Despite this, I held off on launching the modern version.
Now, I've made further improvements to the modern design and I'm excited to present the finished version. This version definitely fits better into the Windows 10/11 os but, of course, it loses the classic charm. It's all a matter of taste, so decide for yourselves. Before I scrap this modern UI completely, I want to give it one last try. If this doesn't work out, the classic look will stay with us forever 😄

The poll on Deskmodder is still open, so you can continue to vote if you'd like. Perhaps one of the UIs will secure a clear victory.

To vote, click here or use the Feedback button within the app.

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