github buildkite/elastic-ci-stack-for-aws v4.0.0-rc2
Elastic CI Stack for AWS v4.0.0-rc2

latest releases: v6.35.0, v6.34.0, v6.33.0...
pre-release6 years ago



  • Update to the very latest aws-cli #478 (@lox)
  • Bump lifecycled to 2.0.2 #475 (@lox)
  • Default BuildkiteAgentRelease to stable #474 (@lox)
  • Added InstanceCreationTimeout as parameter #476 (@RexChenjq)
  • Update to reflect Amazon Linux 2 #470 (@alexjurkiewicz)
  • Clean up docker login hooks #466 (@lox)
  • Rename the log group name we are using for elastic-stack.log file so we are consistent #463 (@arturopie)
  • Update to latest Amazon Linux 2 LTS #462 (@lox)


Perform a CloudFormation stack update with the following URL:

If you want to launch a new stack, you can use this link (make sure not to use your production AWS account, create a new one for CI):

Launch Buildkite AWS Stack


See the Readme for this release.

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