github buildkite/elastic-ci-stack-for-aws v2.2.0
Elastic CI Stack for AWS v2.2.0

latest releases: v6.22.0, v6.21.0, v6.20.0...
6 years ago


  • Added regular garbage collection of images, volumes and networks
  • Mark instance unhealthy if out of disk


  • Moved secrets, docker login and ecr-login functionality to plugins, which are called from hooks so they are compatible with stable agent. This allows for other stacks to consume these plugins and they are easier to test
  • Uses lifecycled for gracefully shutting down on scale-in and spot instance termination
  • Buildkite Agent v2.6.5
  • Bump buildkite-metrics to v1.5.0 (retry on error)
  • Docker 17.06.0-ce


  1. Perform a CloudFormation stack update with the following URL:

If you want to launch a new stack, you can use this link (make sure not to use your production AWS account, create a new one for CI):

Launch Buildkite AWS Stack


See the Readme for this release.

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