Ockam 0.149.0
To install this release using Homebrew:
brew install build-trust/ockam/ockam
To use the Docker OCI package:
docker pull ghcr.io/build-trust/ockam:0.149.0
Curl Install
To install this release using curl:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL https://install.command.ockam.io | bash
Rust Crates
To use Ockam as a Rust library, run the following command within your project directory:
cargo add ockam@0.149.0
The following crates were published as part of this release:
ockam 0.149.0
(Documentation, CHANGELOG)ockam_api 0.92.0
(Documentation, CHANGELOG)ockam_app_lib 0.149.0
(Documentation, CHANGELOG)ockam_command 0.149.0
(Documentation, CHANGELOG)