github buggregator/server 1.13.0

latest releases: 1.13.2, 1.13.1
one day ago

ENV Variables

This release enhances the configuration of the rr server via environment variables, providing better flexibility and customization.
Additionally, memory consumption has been reduced by up to 4x, improving server efficiency.

Variable Name Description Default Value
RR_LOG_MODE Logging mode: development, production, or raw. production
RR_LOG_ENCODING Log encoding format: console or json. It is recommended to use json in production. json
RR_LOG_LEVEL Global logging level: panic, error, warn, info, debug. warn
RR_LOG_HTTP_LEVEL Logging level for the HTTP plugin: panic, error, warn, info, debug. warn
RR_LOG_TCP_LEVEL Logging level for the TCP plugin: panic, error, warn, info, debug. warn
RR_LOG_CENTRIFUGE_LEVEL Logging level for the Centrifuge plugin: panic, error, warn, info, debug. warn
RR_LOG_SERVER_LEVEL Logging level for the server: panic, error, warn, info, debug. warn
RR_LOG_SERVICE_LEVEL Logging level for services: panic, error, warn, info, debug. warn
RR_HTTP_ALLOWED_ORIGIN Allowed origins for CORS. Typically set to specific domains or * for all. *
RR_HTTP_ALLOWED_HEADERS Allowed headers for CORS. Set * for all or specify headers. *
RR_HTTP_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS Specifies if CORS credentials (cookies, authorization) are allowed. true
RR_HTTP_NUM_WORKERS Number of workers in the HTTP pool. Controls concurrency for HTTP handling. 1
RR_TCP_MONOLOG_ADDR Address for the Monolog TCP server. :9913
RR_TCP_VAR_DUMPER_ADDR Address for the Var-Dumper TCP server. :9912
RR_TCP_SMTP_ADDR Address for the SMTP TCP server. :1025
RR_TCP_READ_BUF_SIZE Buffer size for TCP data reading (in bytes). Higher values reduce read system calls for large payloads. 50485760 (50MB)
RR_TCP_NUM_WORKERS Number of workers in the TCP pool. Controls concurrency for TCP handling. 2
RR_CENTRIFUGE_PROXY_ADDRESS Proxy address for the Centrifuge plugin. (Unset)
RR_CENTRIFUGE_GRPC_API_ADDRESS gRPC API address for the Centrifuge plugin. (Unset)
RR_CENTRIFUGE_NUM_WORKERS Number of workers in the Centrifuge pool. 1
RR_JOBS_NUM_WORKERS Number of workers in the Jobs pool. 1

Updated Frontend

We have successfully migrated away from Nuxt. The frontend of Buggregator now runs on pure Vue.js.
Special thanks to @Kreezag for making this transition possible.

RoadRunner Updates

Thanks to @devnev, RoadRunner has been updated to version 2024.2.1.

Docker Image Update

We reduced the Docker image size by up to 2x. Check out the new Dockerfile for details.

What's Changed

  • Add transaction to the Inspector type whitelist by @indykoning
  • Apply frontend structure change by @Kreezag
  • Add ENV variable support for Buggregator server configuration by @butschster
  • Update Dockerfile to the latest RoadRunner by @devnev

New Contributors

  • @devnev made their first contribution.

Full Changelog: Compare 1.12.1...1.13.0

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