github bruxy70/Garbage-Collection 3.00-beta3
Calendar getting all collection dates + automatic next date for holidays

latest releases: 4.10.2, 4.10.2b1, 4.10.1...
pre-release3 years ago

The calendar now reads all collection events, not just the next one.
This required quite brutal code refactoring of the sensor integration, as it has to be able to find a date from any generic data (including re-calculating groups). And the integration is now creating a structure of all entities so that it can query them at any time. So I will leave it for a while in beta to make sure it works. Thanks to @hasenbolle for the suggestion - I thought about that initially but decided to be lazy, this gave me a kick.

Anyhow, two other changes. @hasenbolle contributed a new attribute holiday_in_week_move, that automatically moves the collection to the next day if the collection comes to holiday.

And I changed (added) the device class, which might help with the translation issues reported in #142

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