github brrd/abricotine v1.1.2
Abricotine 1.1.2

latest releases: v1.1.4, 1.1.4, v1.1.3...
2 years ago


Due to a major change in the application build process you may need to manually uninstall previous versions of Abricotine after installing this version.

Abricotine now uses nspell dictionaries. As a consequence previous custom hunspell dictionaries won't work anymore. Read the documentation to know the new method to add custom dictionaries to Abricotine.

Changes in this version

  • Moved to electron-builder + continuous integration to build the application.
  • Moved to nspell because node-spellchecker was a nightmare to build.
  • Updated various dependencies.
  • Added feature: open local documents by clicking on links (thanks to @slrussel).
  • Added language: Chinese (simplified) language (thanks to @jimmypury).

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