github broadinstitute/cromwell 87

latest release: 88
10 months ago

87 Release Notes

upgrade command removed from Womtool

Womtool previously supported a womtool upgrade command for upgrading draft-2 WDLs to 1.0. With WDL 1.1 soon to become the latest supported version, this functionality is retiring.

Replacement of gsutil with gcloud storage

In this release, all localization functionality on the GCP backend migrates to use the more modern and performant gcloud storage. With sufficiently powerful worker VMs, Cromwell can now localize at up to 1200 MB/s [0][1][2].

In a future release, delocalization will also migrate to gcloud storage. As part of that upcoming change, we are considering turning on parallel composite uploads by default to maximize performance. Delocalized composite objects will no longer have an md5 checksum in their metadata; refer to the matrix below [3]. If you have compatibility concerns for your workflow, please submit an issue.

Delocalization Strategy Performance crc32c md5
Classic Baseline/slow
Parallel Composite Fast

[0] Tested with Intel Ice Lake CPU platform, 16 vCPU, 32 GB RAM, 2500 GB SSD

[1] Throughput scales with vCPU count with a plateau at 16 vCPUs.

[2] Throughput scales with disk size and type with at a plateau at 2.5 TB SSD. Worked example: 1200 MB/s ÷ 0.48 MB/s per GB = 2500 GB.

[3] Cromwell itself uses crc32c hashes for call caching and is not affected

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