github briis/hass-weatherflow v0.1.9
Version 0.1.9

latest releases: v1.0.10, v1.0.9, v1.0.8...
2 years ago


  • Issue #3, New binary sensor called is_lightning added. Is True if lightning strokes have occurred within the last minute.
  • Issue #4, Wind sensors will always be in m/s if Metric or mph if Imperial unit system. Now there are 2 extra sensors for each wind sensor that display the value in km/h and knots.
  • Issue #7, Dutch Language Translation for Config Flow. Thanks to @dhover.


  • Issue #6, For unknown reasons one specific data point was missing in the returned data from WeatherFlow. The error can not be replicated, but to ensure the system does not stop, we will no just return an empty value.

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