What’s changed
🐛 Bug fixes
- Add Nginx as a workaround to get log streaming working again @elcajon (#767)
- Restrict live log nginx location @elcajon (#780)
- Increase nginx proxy_read_timeout @elcajon (#781)
📚 Documentation
- Add comment on how to delete additional_hosts option @brenner-tobias (#778)
⬆️ Dependency updates
- ⬆️ Update Add-on base image to v17.1.0 @renovate[bot] (#768)
- ⬆️ migrate renovate config @renovate[bot] (#769)
- ⬆️ Update docker/build-push-action action to v6.12.0 @renovate[bot] (#771)
- ⬆️ Update docker/build-push-action action to v6.13.0 @renovate[bot] (#774)
- ⬆️ Update cloudflare/cloudflared to v2025.1.1 @renovate[bot] (#779)