github brandonweiss/charge v1.0.0

latest releases: v1.7.0, v1.6.0, v1.5.0...
5 years ago


The docs in the README were getting too long so I made a separate docs site. Yes, it’s built with Charge!

Breaking change

TL;DR: Charge no longer builds files in the “directory indexes” format. Files will now be built with the structure and naming you probably expect. If you want to use “clean URLs” make sure how you’re deploying your static site or the place you’re deploying it to supports the URL style you want.

Originally, Charge attempted to support clean URLs by building HTML files in a specific way. For example, a file named /projects.html would be built as /projects/index.html. In retrospect, this was a big mistake.

The problem is every host handles clean URLs and directory indexes differently. Some will read the structure that Charge outputs and do what people probably expect but some won’t. Fundamentally, clean URLs is a choice about how to map a URL to a static file, and that’s really a concern of the host, not of the tool that builds the static site.

So I’m removing the code that builds HTML files with directory indexes and adding support to the dev server to load HTML files both with and without extensions. Use whichever URL style you prefer!

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