🚀 Features
- #1387 Filter manufacturer and model list in the GUI by entity domain @bramstroker
- #1385 Refactor supported_modes to calculation_strategy for consistency @bramstroker
- #1386 Add Hue LWA010 and LWA018 @pauln
- #1389 Move discovery related code to separate component @bramstroker
- #1388 Add warning message for Sonos autodiscovery @bramstroker
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #1384 Fix decimal conversion error when using template in states power @bramstroker
- #1390 Potential fix for does not generate unique IDs error @bramstroker
⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome
@bramstroker, @github-actions[bot] and @pauln