github bottlesdevs/Bottles 2021.9.14-treviso

latest releases: 51.17, 51.16, 51.15...
3 years ago

Release post:


  • This release completes the second part of the Bottles code remake. Generally improves performance and fixes a series of anomalous crashes. For more information, please read the full log on GitHub.
  • Now dependencies manager can replace fonts in a bottle
  • The download manager icon is replaced by a spinner, also the progress bars are replaced by a spinners
  • Now Bottles manage some failures on components download
  • The dependencies list now show the installed ones on the bottom of the list

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug of the main manager, could not find the component manager
  • Fixed a bug that caused Bottles to run on xwayland instead of wayland
  • Fixed a bug in checking for special characters in the bottle name that allowed the use of single quotes
  • Fixed a bug that caused a "no such file or directory" when deleting a bottle
  • Fixed a bug in bottle renaming (I didn't really fully understand the problem but we know it has been fixed)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the use of Wine command line trouhg the system terminal
  • Fixed a bug in the dependencies manager that was not able to create new directories in some cases
  • Fixed a bug in backup manager that was using wrong directories for export
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Bottles' window to not display the icon
  • Fixed a bug in toggling virtual desktop mode


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