github bnb-chain/bsc v1.1.8

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2 years ago


Release v1.1.8 is a performance release. Verification && Commit Pipeline, Go Native Tracer and Block Prune are introduced in this release.

Change log


  • #668 implement State Verification && Snapshot Commit pipeline
  • #581 implement geth native trace
  • #543 implement offline block prune tools


  • #704 prefetch state by applying the transactions within one block
  • #713 add ARM binaries for release pipeline


  • #667 trie: reject deletions when verifying range proofs
  • #643 add timeout for stopping p2p server to fix can not gracefully shutdown issue
  • #740 update discord link which won't expire


State Verification && Commit Pipeline

State verification and storage commit pipeline is introduced in #668. It is an experimental feature that is expected to improve the performance, enable it by appending --pipecommit to the process command.

Ancient Data Prune

A new tool is introduced to prune ancient undesired block data, it will discard block, receipt, header in the ancient db to save space.
Example: ./geth snapshot prune-block --datadir ./node --datadir.ancient ./chaindata/ancient.

Note: 1. Stop the client before pruing; 2. datadir.ancient is based on datadir, ./chaindata/ancient means ${datadir}/geth/chaindata/ancient actually

Go Native Tracer

The default tracer is now based Golang implementation rather than Js implementation.


Assets Sha256 Checksum 5527293b313781ad86f186279083f55be909a3257d0919a4d838b0522ed41a37 c9c20ceb98911cc3fa7ceda3e5efbf17a3791fdc46f2f6ab13af7ac77f1a65eb
geth_linux 73a30eb9d12b82374bf8d1f39369be27f8bee97095b8ad9ba89b1bb8662e3e2a
geth_mac 556ad673d9aa4e5daf32a15a6dcdc34d34a0711a6afb1878dbe51b6c013ce1e5
geth_windows 402bf3587411b445d0b4c6918453caa660af8daf9167693442d441e8343d03b7
geth_linux_arm5 5158e00c073574caf080c9272b7b6ef11b14ac8baee0f391b4f3b11967a2b0e8
geth_linux_arm6 d2f8ec1c94461f0bc1c78b2ea8d8722ea341b1e5b525361ca1b3b445fdf330c5
geth_linux_arm7 87aa64d0d54275c4e28eb6c67d8103f6bba7ebcc1121d21da44f14c6f8168372
geth_linux_arm64 c328dba014e0bc4fa8f2ebd90e37dcc4e7512f6b2c0901d6d32798f1800da2c1

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