github bluescan/tacentview v1.0.20
Save the Animations

latest releases: v1.0.46, v1.0.45, v1.0.44...
4 years ago

The ongoing addition of editing features (pixel edits, rotate, resize, etc) have highlighted the need for an undo/redo stack. This release features simple undo (Ctrl-Z) and redo (Ctrl-Y) of all edits. Each image has its own undo stack.

Another area that needed improvement was the limited support for saving images in different formats -- especially animated formats. This release brings the ability to save tiff, gif, apng, and webp files. Animation is supported for all these filetypes along with the ability to edit frame durations individually. Tiff files, which are called 'multi-page' if they have more than one embedded image, do not normally have a place to store the page/frame durations. Tacent View solves this by storing the duration in the software-description tag for the page. This allows these 'animated-tiff' files to be loaded by other imaging software.

To save a collection of individual frames into a single animated image (perhaps an animated gif or webp file), open Tacent View in the directory with all the individual frame images and select File->Save Multi-Frame (or hit Ctrl-M).

To resave an existing animated image to some other format, simply select File->Save-As (Ctrl-S) and choose the type of file you want to save as (apng, gif, webp, and tiff support animations).

To edit individual frame durations of an animated image file, just display the frame you want in the Property Editor window and adjust the frame duration. Like all other edits, you can press Ctrl-Z to undo.

Similarly, to save (extract) an individual frame from an animated image, select/display the frame you want in the Property Editor window, and Save As (Ctrl-S). Choose a non-animated output format like tga or jpg.

Improvements and fixes in this release include:

  • Reorganized preferences window. It now uses tabs for the different sections.
  • Tooltip instructions on how to set the anchor to use the cursor position while resizing.
  • Clearer Rotation-by-Theta toolbar button.
  • Saving of multi-frame (animated) webp, gif, apng, and tiff files. Ability to create these animations from a collection of individual frame images, or save existing animated images to a different format.
  • Undo/redo stack. Stack depth may be set in the Preferences window. Each image has its own undo stack.
  • Internal cleanup of EXR loading code. Multi-part EXR files will load faster.
  • Saving webp files allows both lossy and lossless compression to be used, as well as specifying the quality/compression strength.
  • Edit operations that may be undone include flip, rotate, pixel colour edits, crop, and resize. For all of these, the Edit menu will show a brief description of the step you are undoing (or redoing).

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