github blockscout/blockscout v6.2.0-beta
BlockScout v6.2.0-beta

latest releases: v6.6.0-beta, v6.5.0-beta, v6.4.0-beta...
3 months ago

EIP-4844 (Data availability) support is added in this release: blobs data is indexed from the consensus layer and can be explorable in the explorer. It is enabled automatically with CHAIN_TYPE=ethereum set in compile and run time.

Polygon ZkEVM bridge operations (transactions/withdrawals) support is added.

In 6.2.0 we continue DB schema enhancements for the sake of improving the performance of the queries. The current release contains denormalization of token_transfers table: block_consensus and token_type fields are added along with background migration to backfill existing data (See the last chapter in 6.0.0 release notes to check the status of background migration). In addition, the performance of the coin balance fetching is improved by exporting it to the asynchronous part of the block import.

More minimal proxy pattern support is added.

It is possible now to link license during verification of the smart-contract.

Fetching of internal transactions from FEVM's (Filecoin EVM) trace_block method is added. And filecoin-related changes are now supported in the master branch of the repo.

⚠️ start_block/end_block filters in API v1 are not supported anymore. Please, use startblock/endblock instead.

⚙️ the release contains 2 foreground migrations for all:

  • extending smart_contracts table with the new column license_type.
  • extending token_transfers table with the new column block_consensus.

And tables creations and extending blocks table for EIP-4844 support (CHAIN_TYPE=ethereum).
Those migrations shouldn't take much time: several minutes at most.

💡New environment variables
Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_FETCHER If true, erc-1155-sanitize token instance fetcher doesn't run. Implemented in #9226. false
INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_FETCHER If true, erc-721-sanitize token instance fetcher doesn't run. Implemented in #9226. false
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY Concurrency for erc-1155-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 2
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY Concurrency for erc-721-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 2
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE Batch size for erc-1155-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 10
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE Batch size for erc-721-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 10
INDEXER_EMPTY_BLOCKS_SANITIZER_INTERVAL Interval for empty block sanitizer. Implemented in #8658
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_USE_BASE_URI_RETRY If true, and request to tokenURI(tokenId) failed with VM execution error, Blockscout will make request to baseURI and try to request metadata from baseURI + tokenId false
EIP_1559_BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR EIP-1559 base fee max change denominator. Implemented in #9202 8

Ethereum Management

Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_BEACON_RPC_URL The Beacon Chain RPC endpoint used to fetch blob sidecars. Implemented in #9168. http://localhost:5052
INDEXER_DISABLE_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER If true the fetcher of Beacon data blobs won't be started, new transaction and block fields still will be extracted. Implemented in #9168. false
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_SLOT_DURATION Slot duration in the Beacon Chain in seconds. Implemented in #9168. 12
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_SLOT Any past finalized Beacon Chain slot number. Used as reference for blob inclusion slot calculations. Implemented in #9168. 8000000
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_TIMESTAMP UTC timestamp of the Beacon Chain slot specified in INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_SLOT. Used as reference for blob inclusion slot calculations. Implemented in #9168. 1702824023
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_START_BLOCK Beacon Chain blob fetcher start block. On start-up, indexer will only look for missed blobs beyond this block number. It's recommended to set this block to the first block after the Dencun hardfork. Implemented in #9168. 19200000
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_END_BLOCK Beacon Chain blob fetcher end block. On start-up, indexer will only look for missed blobs before this block number. If set to 0, then all recent till latest will be traversed. Implemented in #9168. 0

Polygon zkEVM Rollup management

Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_RPC The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch Deposit or Withdrawal bridge events. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK The number of a start block on L1 to index L1 bridge events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L1 event. If empty or not defined, the L1 events are not handled. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_CONTRACT The address of PolygonZkEVMBridge contract on L1 used to fetch L1 bridge events. Required for L1 bridge events indexing. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_NATIVE_SYMBOL The symbol of the native coin on L1 to display it in the table of the bridge Deposits and Withdrawals on UI. Implemented in #9098. ETH
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_NATIVE_DECIMALS The number of decimals to correctly display an amount of native coins for some Deposit or Withdrawal bridge operations on UI. Implemented in #9098. 18
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK The number of a start block on L2 to index L2 bridge events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L2 event. If empty or not defined, the L2 events are not handled. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_CONTRACT The address of PolygonZkEVMBridge contract on L2 used to fetch L2 bridge events. Required for L2 bridge events indexing. Implemented in #9098.
⛔ Deprecated environment variables
Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_ENABLED Enables Polygon zkEVM batches fetcher. Implemented in #7584. false
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_CHUNK_SIZE The number of Polygon zkEVM batches in one chunk when reading them from RPC. Implemented in #7584. 20
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_RECHECK_INTERVAL The latest batch rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in #7584. 60

Full changelog

Features 🎉

  • #9441 - Update BENS integration: change endpoint for resolving address in search
  • #9437 - Add Enum.uniq before sanitizing token transfers
  • #9403 - Null round handling
  • #9401 - Eliminate incorrect token transfers with empty token_ids
  • #9396 - More-Minimal Proxy support
  • #9386 - Filecoin JSON RPC variant
  • #9379 - Filter non-traceable transactions for zetachain
  • #9364 - Fix using of startblock/endblock in API v1 list endpoints: txlist, txlistinternal, tokentx
  • #9360 - Move missing ranges sanitize to a separate background migration
  • #9351 - add proxy endpoint for describeTxs endpoint
  • #9282 - Add license_type to smart contracts
  • #9202 - Add base and priority fee to gas oracle response
  • #9182 - Fetch coin balances in async mode in realtime fetcher
  • #9168 - Support EIP4844 blobs indexing & API
  • #9098 - Polygon zkEVM Bridge indexer and API v2 extension

Fixes 🛠️

  • #9444 - Fix quick search bug
  • #9440 - Add debug_traceBlockByNumber to method_to_url
  • #9387 - Filter out Vyper contracts in Solidityscan API endpoint
  • #9377 - Speed up account abstraction proxy
  • #9371 - Filter empty values before token update
  • #9356 - Remove ERC-1155 logs params from coin balances params
  • #9346 - Process integer balance in genesis.json
  • #9317 - Include null gas price txs in fee calculations
  • #9315 - Fix manual uncle reward calculation
  • #9306 - Improve marking of failed internal transactions
  • #9305 - Add effective gas price calculation as fallback
  • #9300 - Fix read contract bug
  • #9226 - Split Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.LegacySanitize

Chore 🧹

  • #9439 - Solidityscan integration enhancements
  • #9398 - Improve elixir dependencies caching in CI
  • #9393 - Bump actions/cache to v4
  • #9389 - Output user address as an object in API v2 for Shibarium
  • #9361 - Define BRIDGED_TOKENS_ENABLED env in Dockerfile
  • #9257 - Retry token instance metadata fetch from baseURI + tokenID
  • #8851 - Fix dialyzer and add TypedEctoSchema
Dependencies version bumps
  • #9335 - Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 2.7.7 to 2.8.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9333 - Bump sweetalert2 from 11.10.3 to 11.10.5 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9288 - Bump solc from 0.8.23 to 0.8.24 in /apps/explorer
  • #9287 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.8 to 7.23.9 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9331 - Bump logger_json from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3
  • #9330 - Bump hammer from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0
  • #9294 - Bump exvcr from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1
  • #9293 - Bump floki from 0.35.2 to 0.35.3
  • #9338 - Bump postcss-loader from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9336 - Bump web3 from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9290 - Bump ex_doc from 0.31.0 to 0.31.1
  • #9285 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9283 - Bump @babel/core from 7.23.7 to 7.23.9 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9337 - Bump css-loader from 6.9.1 to 6.10.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9334 - Bump sass-loader from 14.0.0 to 14.1.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9339 - Bump webpack from 5.89.0 to 5.90.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9383 - Bump credo from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4
  • #9384 - Bump postcss from 8.4.33 to 8.4.35 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9385 - Bump mixpanel-browser from 2.48.1 to 2.49.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9423 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9422 - Bump core-js from 3.35.1 to 3.36.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9424 - Bump webpack from 5.90.1 to 5.90.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9425 - Bump sass-loader from 14.1.0 to 14.1.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9421 - Bump sass from 1.70.0 to 1.71.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets

Auto-generated release notes

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Full Changelog: v6.1.0-beta...v6.2.0-beta

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