github bloc97/Anime4K v2.0-RC4
GLSL (v2.0 Release Candidate 4) Experimental

latest releases: v4.0.1, v4.0.0-RC, v3.0...
pre-release4 years ago

Installation Instructions for GLSL/MPV Version

Added a bilateral filter to Anime4K. This reduces noise and blocking on highly compressed video (mostly found on the web). Speed is not affected.

Anime4K now enhances edges even in cases where upscaling is not necessary, as seen in this comparison.

On a more personal note, I now feel as if ML based techniques for denoising line art are just mostly re-learning traditional computer graphics/image processing techniques, + ε. The small epsilon leads to a slightly better image quality, but at what cost to speed? (Of course this does not apply for extreme cases such as low resolution upscaling, denosing with a negative signal to noise ratio or image style transfer, since ConvNets can "generate" missing information).


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