github blakeblackshear/frigate-hass-integration v5.5.1

7 days ago

Special Mention: Frigate-native WebRTC

Home Assistant 2024.11 ships with support for streaming any camera entity through WebRTC. Frigate already natively supported WebRTC streaming. If you have WebRTC configured in your Frigate instance, you can choose to enable the Use Frigate-native WebRTC support integration option. When this option is enabled, Home Assistant will leverage Frigate's native WebRTC stream directly which is less resource intensive.


🚀 Features

🐞 Fixes

🚨 Testing

  • Fix devcontainer for latest Frigate and Home Assistant (#720) @felipecrs

👷 Continuous Integration

📚 Documentation

🔨 Refactoring

📦 Dependencies

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