github blacktop/ipsw v3.1.255

latest releases: v3.1.513, v3.1.512, v3.1.511...
17 months ago


ipsw dyld extract command getting a lot better with the addition of "symbolicating" OjbC runtime data and StubIslands

❯ ipsw dyld extract dyld_shared_cache_arm64e BlastDoor --objc --stubs --slide
   • Loading symbol cache file...
   • Adding ObjC symbols
   • Adding Stub Islands symbols
   • Applying DSC slide-info
   • Created BlastDoor
❯ ipsw macho info BlastDoor | grep -A9 SYMTAB
010: LC_SYMTAB                   Symbol offset=0x01367268, Num Syms: "530899", String offset=0x0250E498-0x037B85B0
	             Local Syms: 1298 at 0
	          External Syms: 646 at 1298
	         Undefined Syms: 380 at 1944
	                    TOC: No
	                 Modtab: No
	External symtab Entries: None
	Indirect symtab Entries: 1344 at 0x02046f98
	 External Reloc Entries: None
	    Local Reloc Entries: None

Daaaaaaang that's a LOT of syms!! 👀 For more info see our GUIDE


New Features

  • ec51f32: feat: add --diff flag to ipsw dyld webkit cmd (@blacktop)
  • 0e5851d: feat: add 🆕 --objc, --stubs flags to ipsw dyld extract cmd to add MORE syms to extracted dylibs #58 (@blacktop)

Bug fixes


Full Changelog: v3.1.254...v3.1.255

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