github blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview 0.4.11

latest releases: 0.5.67, 0.5.66, 0.5.65...
2 years ago


Fixes task behavior and adds "truly inline" fields!

Improved Task Behavior

Task queries are now much improved from their primitive foundations - you can now filter, sort, and group them! The FROM
block is still page-based, sadly, though you can simply use WHERE instead if desired. For example, you can now access
task fields like text, line, or completed:

TASK WHERE contains(text, "#tag")
WHERE !completed
GROUP BY file.folder

The full list of all available task metadata can be found
here; tasks include all the information
needed to uniquely identify them, and automatically inherit all of the metadata from their parent file as well (so you
can access, for example). You can also annotate tasks with inline fields, as described in the section below.

There is some additional UX work to be done - primarily on more easily allowing you to navigate to where the task is
defined, as well as render tasks in views other than the TASK view. The semantics of how grouping works (to make it
more intuitive/useful than it currently is) will likely also be revisited.

Inline Inline Fields

Early support for truly inline fields have been added, where you can add metadata in the middle of a sentence. It looks
similar to existing inline field syntax, but with brackets or parenthesis:

I would rate this a [rating:: 6]. It was (thoughts:: acceptable).

Improved rendering for all inline fields is coming in an unpcoming update to improve the visual look of these inline


  • Fix #496: Fix task SORT functionality to do something.
  • Fix #492: Tasks now properly annotated with parent file information.
  • Fix #498: Fix task checking/unchecking logic (which broke due to a change in the task regex...).

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