Lista poprawek od buildu 1211 zamieszczona została w pomocy.
Ze względu na limity rozmiaru wersja AVX została dodana osobno.
English should turn on automatically after first launch.
If it not work to change language go to menu "Plik" -> ustawienia and in "Edytor" tree tab change it on first list.
Cause of limits of Github AVX version was added separately.
Changelog in short:
- Changed spectrum horizontal scaling to not depended from window size.
- Added saving position of audio sliders when used mouse wheel.
- Added multiline clips and drawings.
- Fixed random hang after using undo.
- Added saving font size of dialogue text field.
- Fixed crash after close last tab.
- Fixed unneeded selecting of text in comboboxes of find replace window.
- Fixed placing od multiple tags when cursor was between two }{ brackets.
- Update of Libass and fixed not working refresh after windows font changing.
- Added font preview on style edition font list.
- Added using Libass via Direct Show.
- Fix for TV.601 matrix.
- Added using video matrix via Direct Show.
- Fixed wrong inserting lines split with "\r\n".
- Fixed bad drawing active window border when opened two tabs.
- Fixed spell checker for languages like Thai.
- Fixed word wrapping in text fields.
- Fixed tag list in dialogue text field.
- Fixed crash after changing subtitles when audio is playing.
- Fixes for spellchecker dialog.
- Fixed bad theme color update, when theme have missing colors.
- Fixed empty lines in find result list when line is too long.
- Fixed crash after loading subtitles when visuals are off.
- Fixed working visuals when subtitles format is not ASS.
- Fixed not scaling for scrollbars and other buttons when open Kainote on 4k screen.
- Fixed pasting tags from original to translation text.
- Fixed hang when Lua script opens windows for save or open files.
- Fixed make folders in Font collector when subtitles or MKV do not have fonts.
- Added Scaling program window when screen change to another with different DPI (Windows 8.1 i 10).
- Fixed rare hang of static text.
- Many fixes of Visuals and video Zoom.
- Fixed no subtitles with visual clip or drawing when Libass renderer was used.
- Fixed crash when active line exceeds subtitles table.
- Fixes for disabling elements of menu and toolbar.
- Fixed not visible text field when only audio is loaded.
- Fixed bad selecting of Select lines dialog window.
- Fixes of postprocessor.
- Added save audio and keyframes paths in last session.
- Added font catalogs in style edition and font edition.
- Fixed crash audio spectrum after resize of program window.