github bitmagnet-io/bitmagnet v0.9.0

latest releases: v0.9.3, v0.9.2, v0.9.1...
17 days ago
  • The main improvement for v0.9.0 is ordering of results in the web UI and GraphQL API
  • An --apisDisabled flag was added to the reprocess command to allow significantly faster reprocessing/classifying without any API calls (i.e. TMDB), without disabling this globally.
  • Optimisations were made to the web UI that significantly improve responsiveness; the default pagination limit has therefore been increased to 20
  • Reprocessing is now done fully within the queue (so you'll no longer see a progress bar when running bitmagnet reprocess, this is handled by the new process_torrent_batch task)

IMPORTANT: Some refactoring of the database was needed to allow for performant ordering. On first run, a database migration will be applied that should take no longer than a few minutes, and tasks will be added to the queue to reindex all torrents. The reindex tasks must complete before ordering will work correctly; if you have millions of torrents in your index this may take a day or more, but is significantly faster in this release than prior versions. Please ensure you have no pending items in your queue (at the /metrics endpoint) before opening any issues about incorrect ordering.

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0

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