github bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv v1.0.15
Bitcoin SV version 1.0.15 Release Notes

latest releases: v1.1.0, v1.0.16, v1.0.15.1...
13 months ago


The 1.0.15 node release is a recommended upgrade from version 1.0.14.

Headline Items in 1.0.15

  1. Memory usage optimisations.
  2. Build updates:
    1. C++ v20.
    2. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
    3. CentOS 9.
  3. STN Network reset.

Detailed features of 1.0.15

Memory Usage Optimisations

In this release we have updated the software to reduce peak memory consumption during the receipt of large p2p messages - specifically block, blocktxn and cmpctblock messages.

Build Updates

In this release we have updated the tooling used to build the node software and the target operating systems supported by the pre-built node binaries. This has the following main consequences:

Pre-built binaries

The pre-built binaries will run on the following supported platforms:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (or later).
  • Debian 11 bullseye (or later).
  • Centos 9 (or later).

Running the node on different or older versions of Linux is still possible but will require manually building from source.

This release has also been updated to use the latest upstream version 0.3.1 of the secp256k1 library.

Building from source

Building the node software from source requires at least version 10.2 of the GCC compiler and at least version 1.74 of the Boost libraries.

See the instructions in for a detailed description on how to build from source, or alternatively see the provided docker images here of suitable build environments already setup (scripts to generate the docker images can be found here).

Other items:

  • The Scaling Test Network (STN) has been reset at block height eight. This block has hash 0000000074230d332b2ed9d87af3ad817b6f2616c154372311c9b2e4f386c24c.

Other new or modified configuration options

  • -maxconnections has been removed.
  • -maxoutboundconnections has been added (default=8).

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