github biotite-dev/biotite v1.2.0
Biotite 1.2.0

23 hours ago



  • Added interfaces to other packages in the bioinformatics ecosystem via the new interface subpackage. (#762)
    • interface.rdkit allows conversion between AtomArray and Mol objects from the RDKit package. (#736, #741, #742)
    • interface.pymol allows conversion between AtomArray and PyMOL objects, supporting NumPy-style indices as atom selections. (#749)
    • interface.openmm allows conversion between AtomArray and OpenMM Toplology, System and State objects. (#750)
  • Added database.alphafold subpackage for accessing structures from AlphaFold DB. (#492)
    • The IDs of computational models obtained via can be passed directly to database.alphafold.fetch().
  • Added new metrics for measuring similarity of two structures.
    • structure.lddt() computes the Local Distance Difference Test and can be highly customized with filtering and binning options. (#699)
    • structure.tm_score() computes the TM-score. Curresponding structure alignments can be performed with superimpose_structural_homologs(). (#705)
  • Added functions related to aromatic rings. (#751)
    • structure.find_aromatic_rings() finds atom indices of aromatic rings in a structure.
    • structure.find_stacking_interactions() finds pi-stacking interactions between aromatic rings.
  • Added structure.BondType.AROMATIC bond type, for bonds where the kekulized form is unknown. (#738)
  • and now support chemical components without valid coordinates. (#730)
  • label_entity_id annotation can now be written to PDBx files via (#732)
  • now supports more elements. (#745)
  • Improved performance of structure.spread_residue_wise() and structure.spread_chain_wise(). (#770)


  • Now only finite coordinates can be given to structure.CellList() (#733).
  • Fixed structure.array() truncating string annotations. (#755)
  • with include_bonds=True is now much faster and more memory efficient for very large structures. (#765)
  • Fixed serialization (and string representation) of objects raising an exception. (#767)
  • Now checks if the input coordinates fit into the fixed number of columns in MOL/SDF files. (#772)
  • The height of letters in is now more accurate. (#769)

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