github biomejs/biome cli/v1.7.2
CLI v1.7.2

latest releases: cli/v1.8.2, js-api/v0.6.1, cli/v1.8.1...
one month ago


Bug fixes

  • Import sorting now ignores side effect imports (#817).

    A side effect import consists now in its own group.
    This ensures that side effect imports are not reordered.

    Here is an example of how imports are now sorted:

      import "z"
    - import { D } from "d";
      import { C } from "c";
    + import { D } from "d";
      import "y"
      import "x"
    - import { B } from "b";
      import { A } from "a";
    + import { B } from "b";
      import "w"

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • Import sorting now adds spaces where needed (#1665)
    Contributed by @Conaclos


Bug fixes

  • biome migrate eslint now handles cyclic references.

    Some plugins and configurations export objects with cyclic references.
    This causes biome migrate eslint to fail or ignore them.
    These edge cases are now handled correctly.

    Contributed by @Conaclos


Bug fixes

  • Correctly handle placement of comments inside named import clauses. #2566. Contributed by @ah-yu


New features

Bug fixes

  • noDuplicateJsonKeys no longer crashes when a JSON file contains an unterminated string (#2357).
    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noRedeclare now reports redeclarations of parameters in a functions body (#2394).

    The rule was unable to detect redeclarations of a parameter or type parameter in the function body.
    The following two redeclarations are now reported:

    function f<T>(a) {
      type T = number; // redeclaration
      const a = 0; // redeclaration

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noRedeclare no longer reports overloads in object types (#2608).

    The rule no longer report redeclarations in the following code:

    type Overloads = {
      ({ a }: { a: number }): number,
      ({ a }: { a: string }): string,

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noRedeclare now merge default function export declarations and types (#2372).

    The following code is no longer reported as a redeclaration:

    interface Foo {}
    export default function Foo() {}

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredVariables no longer reports variable-only and type-only exports (#2637).
    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • [noUnusedVariables] no longer crash Biome when encountering a malformed conditional type (#1695).
    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useConst now ignores a variable that is read before its assignment.

    Previously, the rule reported the following example:

    let x;
    x; // read
    x = 0; // write

    It is now correctly ignored.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useShorthandFunctionType now suggests correct code fixes when parentheses are required (#2595).

    Previously, the rule didn't add parentheses when they were needed.
    It now adds parentheses when the function signature is inside an array, a union, or an intersection.

    - type Union = { (): number } | string;
    + type Union = (() => number) | string;

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • useTemplate now correctly escapes strings (#2580).

    Previously, the rule didn't correctly escape characters preceded by an escaped character.

    Contributed by @Conaclos

  • noMisplacedAssertion now allow these matchers

    • expect.any()
    • expect.anything()
    • expect.closeTo
    • expect.arrayContaining
    • expect.objectContaining
    • expect.stringContaining
    • expect.stringMatching
    • expect.extend
    • expect.addEqualityTesters
    • expect.addSnapshotSerializer

    Contributed by @fujiyamaorange


Bug fixes

  • The language parsers no longer panic on unterminated strings followed by a newline and a space (#2606, #2410).

    The following example is now parsed without making Biome panics:


    Contributed by @Conaclos

What's Changed

Other changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: cli/v1.7.1...cli/v1.7.2

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