github bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton 2.2-beta-23
BigBlueButton 2.2-beta-23

latest releases: v3.0.0-rc.4, v3.0.0-rc.3, v3.0.0-rc.2...
5 years ago

This release fixes a few issues related to breakout rooms, sharing videos, and encoding recordings for playback on iOS devices.


  • Only request a breakout join URL once #8245
  • Make presentation playback continue if deskshare.xml was not found #8219
  • Fix multiple external videos synced to different meetings #8232


  • Recording archive: Compress audio files #8233
  • Make sure we record audio if meeting is recorded #8215
  • Patching playback updates for iOS #8195

In particular, #8233 now archives the recorded audio files as .opus, which should be 10% the size of the original .wav files written by FreeSWITCH.

Also, #8195 makes playback of recordings now possible on iOS devices, but you'll need to enable the generation of .mp4 files for the videos (webcams and screen share). See Enable playback of recordings on iOS.

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