Upgrade Priority
Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.
Bifrost Kusama Runtime
🏋️ Runtime size: 1.684 MB (1,765,317 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes, 79.78%
✨ Reserved meta: OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🔥 Core version: bifrost-982 (bifrost-0.tx1.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash: 0x6b6c2182f757d9ebace2d48c9fa8096a94e0401907519b1c1931dcb54bcddbaa
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xb689ce44b101760ae67d4baff744197ecdc9067b70ebd39e5e1c8fb43a454a3f
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0xe0505694bce1c14a8f94381921fe213bac16aaa1f48c9a2fecc2950f5a1e0a26
📦 IPFS: https://www.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmc2FCK1x4CmJ8jPmiwpz6w6JVuy5ZPhMnaKZJRwzemfbi
Bifrost Polkadot Runtime
🏋️ Runtime size: 1.560 MB (1,635,457 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes, 79.59%
✨ Reserved meta: OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🔥 Core version: bifrost_polkadot-982 (bifrost_polkadot-0.tx1.au0)
🗳️ system.setCode hash: 0x0e078920cb444779cd9251a8b5e671dcbaed25474e10345b0e97a0958cd93b50
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x89e5014cb6de7fe300491f0226fb882eac90b91fbc2049901fe3aa05d732d53d
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash: 0x408ee9b5979d31bacb797b370fe2b495ffbaa7e1036e2d7f94ffe4364703bd74
📦 IPFS: https://www.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYv8XFenui2YCX2uRuBSnZHQURc6wWYttrAw5m6FM5fZv
What's Changed
- Add BifrostDropAssets by @hqwangningbo in #1019
- Add OpenGov to bifrost-polkadot by @yooml in #1020
- Fix benchmarking compile error by @hqwangningbo in #1024
- Bifrost currencies by @yooml in #1023
- build(deps): bump chevdor/srtool-actions from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 by @dependabot in #1021
- Pallet vtoken-voting by @ark930 in #1025
- Fix stable pool by @yooml in #1027
- Vtoken voting test by @ark930 in #1031
- Flexible fee with extra fee by @herryho in #1032
- fix: 🐛 decision_deposit by @yooml in #1033
- Benchmarking: vtoken-voting by @ark930 in #1034
- Fix token convert by @ark930 in #1035
- Fix vtoken-voting test by @ark930 in #1036
- Fix vtoken-voting weight by @ark930 in #1038
- Flexible fee tests by @herryho in #1037
- fix: 🐛 register_blp_metadata & rpc by @yooml in #1039
- fix migration types by @herryho in #1040
- Lend market by @yooml in #1022
- Remove pending storage by @ark930 in #1041
- fixes by @herryho in #1042
- Lend market bench by @yooml in #1043
- Fix delegator vote by @ark930 in #1044
- Fix benchmarks by @hqwangningbo in #1046
- Fix lend market by @yooml in #1045
- feat: 🎸 rm lend-market from runtime by @yooml in #1047
- Fix vote ratio by @ark930 in #1048
- Fix vASTR by @hqwangningbo in #1049
Full Changelog: bifrost-v0.9.80...bifrost-v0.9.82