- New: Option "zoomable" to enable or disable zoomable images
- New: Option "preload" to enable or disable preloading
- New: Option "draggable" to go to prev/next slide by mouse dragging. Thanks to @hirbod for the donation to make this happen
- New: Option "dragToleranceX" Used with draggable. Number of pixels the user has to drag to go to prev or next slide
- New: Option "dragToleranceY" Used with draggable. Number of pixels the user has to drag up or down to close the lightbox (Set 0 to disable vertical drag)
- New: The code was refactored to make it easier to maintain
- Fixed: data gallery stopped working
- Fixed: iOS bug with Vimeo iframe when fullscreen button pressed
- Fixed: "See more" link in the description throws an JS error when clicked
- Fixed: Videos not resized vertically when window height was smaller that the window width