These are the major user-visible changes in 0.8:
- Analyzing games with multiple engines now produces sensible results. q5go remembers winrates for each engine name and komi combination and displays multiple winrate graphs.
- For engines with fixed komi, batch analysis can now flip the position to effectively analyze with reverse komi.
- For live analysis, it is now possible to choose the analysis engine.
- There is a new slide export feature which combines the board and comments into a single image for use in slide shows or videos. File name sequences can be generated automatically.
- It is now possible to choose between area and territory scoring in off-line games.
Minor fixes and improvements include:
- The board coordinates now scale with the size of the display, their size relative to the stones is configurable in the preferences.
- It is now possible to choose whether to tile or scale the wood background image used for the board.
- The evaluation graph is automatically displayed when a game obtains an evaluation for the first time.
- In online match games, remaining time is now saved to the SGF for both player and opponent.
- It is now possible to hold down LMB and drag in the evaluation graph to move to a different position.
- In the database dialog, "Open" and "Cancel" now work (previously only double clicks opened the game).
- In off-line mode, scoring a scored position again now keeps liveness and seki status.
- A bug was fixed that caused the "Update" button to disappear when scoring or editing an off-line copy of an observed game.
- Loading an SGF file for a game against an engine is now implemented.