github bentoml/BentoML v1.0.19
BentoML - v1.0.19

latest releases: v1.2.13, v1.2.12, v1.2.11...
12 months ago

🍱 BentoML v1.0.19 is released with enhanced GPU utilization and expanded ML framework support.

  • Optimized GPU resource utilization: Enabled scheduling of multiple instances of the same runner using the workers_per_resource scheduling strategy configuration. The following configuration allows scheduling 2 instances of the “iris” runner per GPU instance. workers_per_resource is 1 by default.

        workers_per_resource: 2
  • New ML framework support: We've added support for EasyOCR and Detectron2 to our growing list of supported ML frameworks.

  • Enhanced runner communication: Implemented PEP 574 out-of-band pickling to improve runner communication by eliminating memory copying, resulting in better performance and efficiency.

  • Backward compatibility for Hugging Face Transformers: Resolved compatibility issues with Hugging Face Transformers versions prior to v4.18, ensuring a seamless experience for users with older versions.

⚙️ With the release of Kubeflow 1.7, BentoML now has native integration with Kubeflow, allowing developers to leverage BentoML's cloud-native components. Prior, developers were limited to exporting and deploying Bento
as a single container. With this integration, models trained in Kubeflow can easily be packaged, containerized, and deployed to a Kubernetes cluster as microservices. This architecture enables the individual models to run in their own pods, utilizing the most optimal hardware for their respective tasks and enabling independent scaling.

💡 With each release, we consistently update our blog, documentation and examples to empower the community in harnessing the full potential of BentoML.

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v1.0.18...v1.0.19

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