github beeware/briefcase v0.3.8

latest releases: v0.3.19, v0.3.18, v0.3.17...
23 months ago


  • macOS apps are now notarized as part of the packaging process. (#365)
  • Console output now uses Rich to provide visual highlights and progress bars. (#740)
  • The macOS log streamer now automatically exits using the run command when the app exits. (#742)
  • A verbose log is written to file when a critical error occurs or --log is specified. (#760)


  • Updating an Android app now forces a re-install of the app. This corrects a problem (usually seen on physical devices) where app updates wouldn't be deployed if the app was already on the device. (#395)
  • The iOS simulator is now able to correctly detect the iOS version when only a device name is provided. (#528)
  • Windows MSI projects are now able to support files with non-ASCII filenames. (#749)
  • The existence of an appropriate Android system image is now verified independently to the existence of the emulator. (#762)
  • The error message presented when the Xcode Commandline Tools are installed, but Xcode is not, has been clarified. (#763)
  • The METADATA file generated by Briefcase is now UTF-8 encoded, so it can handle non-Latin-1 characters. (#767)
  • Output from subprocesses is correctly encoded, avoiding errors (especially on Windows) when tool output includes non-ASCII content. (#770)

Improved Documentation

  • Documented a workaround for ELF load command address/offset errors seen when using manylinux wheels. (#718)


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