github bazelbuild/rules_go 0.12.1

latest releases: v0.47.0, v0.46.0, v0.45.1...
pre-release5 years ago

Go support

Added support for Go 1.10.3 and 1.9.7.

Bug fixes

  • #1524 - Add extra_files attribute to bazel_test
  • #1542 - Fix deprecated skylark
  • #1541 - Inherit importmap from embedded libraries
  • #1526 - fix ios cross compilation with cgo
  • #1521 - Allow .s files to include other .s files
  • #1510 - Change base URL that SDKs are downloaded from
  • #1497 - Enable use of FreeBSD SDK
  • #1493 - Propagate restricted_to and compatible_with attributes in cgo rules


To use this release, add this code to your WORKSPACE file:

    name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
    url = "",
    sha256 = "8b68d0630d63d95dacc0016c3bb4b76154fe34fca93efd65d1c366de3fcb4294",
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains")

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