github batect/batect 0.71.0

latest releases: 0.85.0, 0.84.0, 0.83.9...
2 years ago

📢 2021 user survey

I'm once again running a survey to collect feedback on Batect, and this year I'm offering an AU$50 voucher (or equivalent in your local currency) as a prize to encourage responses.

The survey is available at:

If you're using Batect on your team at the moment, I would be incredibly grateful if you could also share the survey within your team - the more responses I get, the better feedback I get, and the better I can make Batect.


  • Improved: Batect now supports BuildKit's native file sync protocol. This significantly improves the performance of BuildKit builds, and lays the foundation for further improvements in the future.

  • Improved: Batect will now show a clearer error message if any of the configured TLS certificate files don't exist when connecting to the Docker daemon over TLS.

  • Fixed: DOCKER_CONFIG or DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variables weren't correctly applied to TLS certificate paths. (#935 - thanks to @Tzrlk for the bug report)

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