github batect/batect 0.58.0

latest releases: 0.85.0, 0.84.0, 0.83.9...
3 years ago

Changes in this release:

  • New: with your permission, batect now collects and reports anonymous environment, usage and performance information as it runs.

    As a maintainer of an open source project, I do not have the resources to run detailed user studies to understand best how to design features or prioritise work, and instead rely on community feedback and data. This telemetry information will allow me to better understand how users use batect and also receive information about errors.

    This feature has been designed to not collect any sensitive data, including personal information or confidential information about your projects. In the interests of transparency, a complete list of all data collected, with examples, is available in the privacy policy.

    You'll be prompted for consent the first time v0.58 (or later) starts. You can also opt-out at any time by running ./batect --permanently-disable-telemetry. In non-interactive environments (eg. CI builds), set the BATECT_ENABLE_TELEMETRY to true to enable telemetry, or false to disable it. You can also run batect with --no-telemetry to disable telemetry for a single invocation.

    There's also more information on how to block telemetry at a network level in the privacy policy.

    If you have any concerns about the collection of this information, I'd be keen to hear your feedback, as this data will help improve batect significantly and I don't want there to be any barriers to anyone enabling telemetry - please just file an issue.

  • New: it's now possible to disable running prerequisite tasks for a task. Run the task with ./batect --skip-prerequisites the-task, and only the-task will run, but not any of its prerequisites. (#611 - thanks to @Tzrlk for the suggestion)

  • New: it's now possible to specify that the image should be pulled on every invocation of the task. This applies to both existing images or built images (in which case the setting applies to the base image). Set image_pull_policy: Always on the container to enable this behaviour. (#600 - thanks to @askfor for the suggestion)

    Note that this can add significant overhead to your tasks - it is highly recommended you use images with immutable tags rather than use this option.

  • New: the documentation now includes a privacy policy that details what information is collected as you use batect and the documentation, why this information is collected and how to opt-out.

  • Improved: networks created by batect will now have a more user-friendly name that includes the project name, such as my-project-network-abc123, rather than a random UUID. (#612 - thanks to @dflook for the suggestion)

  • Improved: a clearer message is now shown when a task only has prerequisites.

Getting started

First time using batect? Take a look at the getting started guide, or the many sample projects.

How to upgrade from previous versions

If you're already using batect, run ./batect --upgrade to upgrade automatically.

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