github batect/batect 0.46.0

latest releases: 0.85.0, 0.84.0, 0.83.9...
4 years ago

What's new

  • batect now supports the concept of a cache volume. These cache volumes are designed to significantly improve the performance of builds when running on macOS or Windows, and using them has resulted in performance improvements of up to 80% in some test projects.

    They are perfect for directories such as node_modules where persistence between task runs is required,
    but easy access to their contents is not necessary.

    Add a cache to a container by adding an entry to volumes with type: cache, for example:

        image: "node:13.8.0"
          - local: .
            container: /code
          - type: cache
            name: app-node-modules
            container: /code/node_modules
        working_directory: /code

    The page on performance in the documentation contains more information on this feature, and an important note for using caches with run_as_current_user enabled.

    See #406 for more background on this feature, and to provide feedback. A future release will include a ./batect --clean command to clean up all caches for a project.

Getting started

First time using batect? Take a look at the getting started guide, or the many sample projects.

How to upgrade from previous versions

If you're already using batect, run ./batect --upgrade to upgrade automatically.

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