github batect/batect 0.10

latest releases: 0.85.0, 0.84.0, 0.83.9...
6 years ago

What's new

  • When a container running on a Linux host creates files in a mounted directory, that file will be owned by the user that the Docker daemon is running as (usually root). However, this causes permissions issues if you then want to modify those files as your normal user on the host machine.

    batect can now start containers such that any files created in mounted volumes are owned by your normal user, not root. To enable this, add the run_as_current_user section to your container's configuration:

    project_name: my-really-cool-project
        image: my-image
          - .:/code:cached
        working_directory: /code
          enabled: true
          home_directory: /home/container-user

    In general, this should Just Work™, but some applications or existing images may not work correctly. See the documentation for more information on how this is implemented and the impact it can have.

    Enabling this on OS X hosts is harmless.

What's been fixed

  • Fixed the issue where if batect was started in two places at once and the first invocation was still downloading, the second invocation would fail with a 'corrupt JAR' message (or similar).

Getting started

First time using batect? Take a look at the getting started guide, or the Java or Ruby sample projects.

How to upgrade from previous versions

Already using batect? To install this update, simply replace the batect script in your project with the one attached to this release. (Don't forget to make it executable with chmod +x batect if need be.)

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