github bastillion-io/Bastillion v3.14.0

latest release: v3.15.00
2 years ago

New look and feel - Upgraded to Bootstrap v5, the latest Jetty, and updated all 3rd party libraries to the latest.

To migrate from >= 3.10.00

  • Backup previous bastillion.h2.db data store (possibly named keybox.h2.db)
  • Copy old jetty/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes/keydb folder (and it's contents) to the jetty/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes directory of the new installation.
  • Copy old jetty/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes/bastillion.jceks to the /jetty/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes directory of the new installation.
  • Copy old jetty/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes/ to the /jetty/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes directory of the new installation.
  • Run the bastillion-upgrade-4.00.01.jar on the database copied to the new installation
java -jar bastillion-upgrade-4.00.01.jar /jetty/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes/
  • Adjust settings or copy as needed for the jaas.conf, log4j2.xml, keystore, jetty-ssl.xml and jetty-http.xml

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