github base-org/node v0.8.0

latest releases: v0.8.4, v0.8.3, v0.8.2...
3 months ago


❗ This is a mandatory release for Base Mainnet node operators. It includes the following protocol upgrade activation:

  • Ecotone activates on Mainnet at Thu Mar 14 00:00:01 UTC 2024

✨ The Ecotone upgrade brings 4844 and Cancun extensions to the L2.

Config changes

  • For Ecotone, op-node needs to connect to an L1 beacon client to be able to fetch blobs. You must specify the endpoint with the --l1.beacon flag (or OP_NODE_L1_BEACON env var).
  • If you are using a Lighthouse CL client, you must update to at least the v4.6.0 finalized release.

OP Stack Changeset

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