Tons of database-related improvements and user experience improvements.
New Google Sheets Get data filtering. You can now select rows based on multiple column values and it will select a random row that matches your filter.
- ✨ (googleSheets) Advanced get filtering [dcec1f0]
- ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies [f46ce47]
- 🔧 Add cross env compatibility to scripts (#184) [2cc61b1]
- 🚸 (editor) Automatically move graph on first group on mount [6c55510]
- 🚸 (workspace) Keep workspaceId in memory even when logging out [578e41c]
- ⚡ (dashboard) Improve folders and typebots get queries [3ab047a]
- 🗃️ Write faster prisma queries [7eac2c7]
- 🗃️ Revert usage query back optimization [fe8a531]
- 🗃️ Optimize usage queries [d6f90af]
- 💚 Fix sentry not receiving events [68de7b7]
- 🐛 (typebotLink) Populate variable value when linked typebot is injected [92dc797]
- 🐛 (workspace) Read custom limits even without CUSTOM plan [fd6b94b]
- 🐛 (typebotLink) Make sure to update all linked bot variable values [656d1e3]
- 🐛 (typebotLink) Fix fetching when typebot ID is current bot ID [54dee6e]
- 🚑 Disable usage check on viewer [855a285]