github banzaicloud/bank-vaults 1.5.0

latest releases: 1.20.0-dev.3, 1.20.0-dev.2, 1.20.0-dev.1...
3 years ago


  • vault-env: support GCP auth (#1093)
  • client: move operator_client.go to internal (BREAKING CHANGE) (#1092)
  • webhook: allow adding auth-delegator role in the chart (#1101)
  • multi-dc: add local acceptance-test based on kind and MetalLB (#1103)
  • operator: fix single cluster raft with LoadBalancer serviceType (#1105)
  • ci: build multi-platform images (#1107)
  • operator: extract raft detection logic to IsRaftBootstrapFollower (#1111)
  • operator: add PSP for vault-operator and vault that is deployed by the operator (#1109)
  • operator: update images to support arm64 (#1114)
  • webhook: Add env from vault path (#1100) (@rocpatel)

Note about Docker images:
From this release, all Bank-Vaults Docker images are pushed to the GitHub Container Registry as well as an alternative to Docker Hub. You can find them here.
Helm charts, vault-operator, and vault-secrets-webhook still use Docker Hub as the default image source, but in all cases, this can be changed to, see the charts and documentation for more details.

All images deployed by the operator are ARM friendly multi-platform images. The images pushed to the registry are built for 3 different architectures:

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64
  • linux/arm

Note about Helm charts:
This is the last release where we officially support Helm 2 for the charts. From now on Helm 3 is guaranteed to work only. See: #1097

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