github bambulab/BambuStudio v01.06.02.04
v1.6.2 Beta 2

latest releases: v01.10.00.89, v01.10.00.81, v01.10.00.74...
18 months ago


This is a beta version 2, fixed several bugs as followings.

  1. Fixed the issue of dripping filament during the start of the printing phase #1637
  2. Fixed the issue of not being able to customize the color of third-party materials in AMS #1636 #1676
  3. Optimized the default filament logic used when adding a height range modifier #1627
  4. Add filament preset of support PLA and support PA/PET
  5. Fixed the issue of not saving height range modifier to 3mf #1657 #1685
  6. Fixed the bug of macos key shortcuts #1659
  7. Fixed two bugs in advanced cut #1646 #1647

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